Pedestrians, cyclists and scooter riders: Did you know that walking along railroad tracks is trespassing? It’s illegal, but most importantly it is deadly. Railroad tracks and the nearby right of way are private property with access strictly limited to railroad personnel and those who have been granted permission. It may seem harmless, but more than 1,000 people are either killed or injured each year in the United States while trespassing on railroad tracks, railyards and other railroad property, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.
Remember, CapMetro trains are faster and quieter than traditional freight trains, and they are not required to sound their horns at grade crossings in quiet zones. If you’re near the tracks, it’s possible you won’t see, hear or feel a train coming. Be safe and only cross at designated pedestrian crossings.
One more thing – please do not take photos or selfies on or near railroad tracks.
Drivers: To avoid striking a train at a grade crossing, we have some simple tips that save lives.
- Any time is train time! Keep in mind that trains move quickly and are a lot closer than you think. Remember to stop, look both ways and listen for a train before crossing.
- Don’t try to race the train. The train moves extremely fast and it takes more than a mile for a train to come to a full stop.
- Flashing red lights indicate a nearby train from either direction. Don’t cross the tracks until the lights have stopped flashing.
- Don’t drive past the lowered gate. It’s illegal and can cause serious accidents.
- Never stop on the tracks. Make sure you can cross the tracks safely before driving over them.