
Screenshot of Finance Public Dashboard

Enhanced Finance dashboard continues CapMetro’s commitment to transparency and accessibility 

CapMetro has rolled out a new and improved Finance Performance Dashboard as part of our continuing commitment to transparency and accessibility. This updated dashboard gives access to useful data to help you better understand our organization’s revenues, operating expenses and capital expenses, along with several critical accessibility updates for those…

FY2022: Discubre Lo Que Hemos Planeado

Las noticias no han parado durante el año pasado, con la pandemia, la aprobación del votante de Project Connect, la tormenta invernal, la primera temporada de Austin FC y así sucesivamente. Es difícil adivinar lo que podría suceder a continuación. Lo bueno es que no tiene que adivinar. Vea nuestra…

FY2022: Find Out What We’ve Got Planned

A lot has been happening for CapMetro in the past year, what with the pandemic, voter approval of Project Connect, the winter storm, Austin FC’s first season and on and on. It’s hard to guess what might happen next. The good thing is that you don’t have to guess. Check…

