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Cap-Tivities with Frankfurt!

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month and we’re recognizing it with a Cap-Tivities issue starring Frankfurt the Wheelie Dog! It’s filled with puzzles and mazes and coloring pages. Dive right in and have some fun while learning about Frankfurt and his friends. Download Cap-Tivities Issue 9 to get started! Click here to…

Explore Austin – Fusion Edition

Welcome back to another installment in our Explore Austin series with Food Network’s Ali Khan! Ali is checking out notable restaurants around Austin that you can visit using CapMetro as you get back to what you love in our great city. Head to our Trip Planner to get started! Fil…

Stay Safe Around the Tracks

MetroRail is a great service, and people have been relying on it for more than a decade to go into work, get to Austin’s many special events or simply find a spot to grab food and drinks with friends late on a Friday night. And this year has seen a…

Capital Metro Expands Public Safety Program

To support our customers and staff members and to meet the needs of our growing community, Capital Metro is expanding our Public Safety program. With more resources being directed toward transit-centered public safety, CapMetro can better respond to the safety needs on our expanding system. The Public Safety Department will…

Women’s Equality Day 2021

Capital Metro is proud to celebrate Women’s Equality Day today, and we’re proud to support the women who contribute to the success of our agency, our community and our families each and every day. We take great pride in supporting the women of our agency and establishing strong, representative leadership…

