Las noticias no han parado durante el año pasado, con la pandemia, la aprobación del votante de Project Connect, la tormenta invernal, la primera temporada de Austin FC y así sucesivamente. Es difícil adivinar lo que podría suceder a continuación. Lo bueno es que no tiene que adivinar. Vea nuestra…
A lot has been happening for CapMetro in the past year, what with the pandemic, voter approval of Project Connect, the winter storm, Austin FC’s first season and on and on. It’s hard to guess what might happen next. The good thing is that you don’t have to guess. Check…
The CapMetro 2021 Pride Bus design is absolutely BUSTING with pride! The colorful design features LED lights and and a special message.
Have you studied up on back to school safety before hitting the road? Here are some traffic safety guidelines to keep in mind on the go.
Searching for comfort food in East Austin? Look no further than Manor Road for Hoover's Cooking serving it up old school and Bird Bird Biscuit for comfort food with an edge.
Introducing See Say Now to the CapMetro App, allowing you to report suspicious activity directly from your phone.