Your Voice, Your Transit: Help Us Shape CapMetro’s FY25 Budget

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Your voice counts (literally!) It’s time once again for the yearly review of CapMetro’s budget.

Financial transparency is a top priority for us, and we need your help to guide how we use your tax dollars—whether it’s improving, adding new services, or any way to make your ride smoother. Your input can improve public transit for everyone!

We are posting our Proposed FY2025 Budget at this link on August 26.

Once posted, take a few minutes to review our Proposed 2025 Budget, check out what we’re planning, and let us know what you think.

We may be coming to a bus stop near you! Head on over to our Community Engagement page for a list of dates and times to chat with us in person. Be a part of shaping the future of transit in our city!

Thanks for riding, y’all! We look forward to hearing from you!

