Austin FC season is in full swing and CapMetro is a great way to get to the game. Getting to and from the game safely is the most important goal of the night! According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, someone is struck by a train at a highway rail crossing every three hours. Trains can’t stop quickly. A train that is traveling 55 miles per hour can take more than a mile to stop, even with an emergency application of the brakes.

Follow these tips to stay safe around train tracks:
- Stop if you see flashing red lights.
- Only cross at a designated public crossing.
- Never walk around or behind lowered gates at a crossing.
- Only cross if gate arms are up, lights have stopped flashing and bells have stopped ringing.
Be safe and be smart. If you are going to a game at Q2 Stadium, please look out for the flashing lights and rail crossing gate arms and NEVER trespass by walking along tracks outside of designated public crossings. Use sidewalks, even if it takes a bit longer.
Whether you take the train or bus, it’s important to stay alert amidst the festive atmosphere. It can be really easy to move and walk with the crowd but that doesn’t mean you’re protected from distracted drivers. Keep your head up and continue to look for traffic when the game is over. Don’t just spill into the street where you run the risk of getting hit.
If you are headed for some post-game festivities and have mapped your trek, make sure your eyes aren’t glued to your screen the entire time. Check your phone periodically and only when you’re safely on the sidewalk or a corner, out of the street.
Whether you take the train or bus, CapMetro is always a good choice for a safe ride.