Let’s Talk Business

If you’re a business owner, you might want to listen to this one.

The construction of Project Connect’s program of projects is going to bring thousands of jobs to the Austin area, and transit projects like these also bring big opportunities for your business to work with CapMetro.

Accelerate is an opportunity for local businesses to be prepared when CapMetro projects go public. In this live chat, Capital Metro President and CEO Randy Clarke will talk about the economic opportunities that come with investments in transit and how local businesses can earn contracts to work with CapMetro on these projects.

No matter what your business may be, whether you have a product or service you think is perfect for the agency, want to place advertisements on our vehicles or at our stations or, really, anything you can think of, CapMetro provides so many different ways to work with businesses and we’re happy to collaborate with you!

Transit keeps the entire region moving. Help us continue our progress with businesses like yours.

Accelerate — Thursday, February 11 from 2 to 3 p.m.

