Face Coverings: Tutorial and Tips

Even with the governor’s recent announcements, CapMetro is requiring our customers to wear a face covering on our vehicles. Following safety recommendations will help prevent the spread of COVID-19. As Austin Public Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found earlier, covering our nose and mouth when we are outside our homes is important because an infected person can transmit COVID-19 to others without showing any symptoms.

Here is a simple tutorial to make a face covering using only a bandana and two rubber bands/hair ties.

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According to health authorities, your cloth face covering should:

  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • Be secured with ties or ear loops
  • Include multiple layers of fabric
  • Allow for breathing without restriction
  • Be able to be laundered and dried without damage or change to shape

Remember that medical grade (N95) and surgical masks should be only used by medical professionals and first responders. Let’s follow all safety recommendations and stop the spread! For more information concerning COVID-19 service updates, please visit capmetro.org/COVID19.


