#MeetCapMetro Monday: Anna Lan, Transit Development Planner, Community Builder

Meet Anna, CapMetro’s Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Manager. On a typical day, she’s involved in planning community development near current and future stops and stations. Lately, Anna and her team are advancing Austin’s Equitable Transit-Oriented Developments as part of Project Connect. These people-focused transit plans are similar to traditional TODs but with a strong emphasis on the needs of existing people and businesses to support and maintain the existing characteristics of a neighborhood as it integrates with a future transit area system.

Bonus read: What are ETODs anyway? Read how Anna is advancing equity in Austin’s future transit development.

The goal is to create a sustainable high-density community development that is both walkable and has easy access to public transit options. If she wasn’t working in TOD, she says she would be interested in working in Community Engagement helping host community events. “They do an amazing job and [are] part of the reason why the community really learns about CapMetro”  

Anna says that she’s been a fan of public transit since she was a child and is no stranger to taking advantage of what public transit offers. It wasn’t until she moved to Austin that she purchased her first vehicle. Even then, when she’s out and about spending time with family you can find her taking transit. “We’ll get off [the train] and walk around, visit our favorite bakery, go to the Japanese bookstore.” She even looks forward to utilizing the coming light rail and the new Expo Center and Pleasant Valley CapMetro Rapid routes.  

Want to learn more about Transit-Oriented Development? Check out this ETOD deep dive. Interested in helping develop Austin’s public transit system? Check out our job openings at Capmetro.org/jobs.

