electric bus

Llegando Mas Alto

Respondemos con CARE La pandemia puso a prueba a Capital Metro y sacó lo mejor de nosotros. Adaptamos los niveles de servicio a las nuevas demandas para garantizar que las personas se sientan cómodas y seguras al viajar. Si bien la cantidad pasajeros se redujo hasta un 60%, ofrecimos casi…

Reaching Higher

Responding with CARE The pandemic has tested Capital Metro and brought out our best. We adjusted service levels to match the new demand and to make sure people could feel comfortable and safe while riding. Though ridership dropped by as much as 60%, we’ve provided nearly 5 million trips that…

State of Transit 2020

Capital Metro has filled 2020 with a lot of service, a lot of dedication and a lot of preparation for what’s to come. As the agency’s Fiscal Year 2020 comes to an end, we want to share all that CapMetro has done and all that we’ve got planned for next…

Llegando Mas Alta

¡Mil Millones de Gracias! CapMetro alcanzó una enorme meta en enero: ¡Mil millones de viajes! Nuestro objetivo es conectar a los usuarios y a las comunidades con trabajos y oportunidades, y CapMetro les ha cambiado la vida a los residentes del centro de Texas durante los últimos 35 años. ¡Ansiamos…

Creative Action: Change Through Art in Austin Schools

Somewhere out there in the whole wide world you may wish there were an organization doing after-school, in-school, and community-based programs that teach the arts, build community and help kids develop socially and emotionally. You’re in luck. There are organizations doing important work like that in schools. Here in Austin,…

