A few years ago, Capital Metro and the city of Austin teamed up to make our streets work better for everyone who uses them, whether they’re on a bus, in a car, on a bike or on their own two feet. The two teams have worked together to install new…
Austin Public Library branches are reopening this summer! Ready to roll into summer reading? See below what CapMetro bus route or Pickup zone you can take to get to your branch.
Reaching Higher highlights recent updates in Capital Metro’s projects and happenings. This March 2021 issue covers Project Connect and our Winter Storm Uri response as well as community and internal news. Check out the spring 2021 issue of Reaching Higher here.
Llegando más alto destaca las ultimas noticias de los proyectos y los eventos en Capital Metro. Esta edición de marzo de 2021 cubre Project Connect y nuestra respuesta de la tormenta invernal Uri, además de noticias internas y de la comunidad. Vea la edición de primavera de 2021 de Llegando…
Visit these treasured Black historical landmarks in Austin along the MetroBus line to learn about African American history in Texas' capital.
Effective February 1, CapMetro customers are to wear face masks while on transit vehicles and when at our facilities. The face masks must cover your nose and mouth and attach around the ears.