Introducing Park & Watch!
We’ve teamed up with Do512 for a four-week drive-in movie series in October all across Austin! Each week Do512 and CapMetro will partner to host a drive-in movie at a different location around Austin. These will be a safe, fun way to get people out to enjoy the fall evenings and watch a classic film favorite.
How to Attend
Each week, Do512 will select winners at random for a free car slot at the drive-in. Winners will be notified via email and receive a reminder so they can plan their night out! Check out the links between each showing below to enter for your chance to win.
Safety Information
Do512 and CapMetro will be following all City of Austin COVID Safety Recommendations. Attendees will not be allowed to roam outside their cars except to use facilities and will be required to wear a mask when walking to and from.
Week One: October 9 | The Sandlot
Lakeline Park & Ride | 6:00 p.m.

Enter here for a chance to win a spot for The Sandlot showing!
Week Two: October 16 | Space Jam
Tech Ridge Park & Ride | 6:00 p.m.

Enter here for a chance to win a spot for Space Jam showing!
Week Three: October 23 | Coco
Location TBA | 6:00 p.m.

Enter here for a chance to win a spot for Coco showing!
Week Four: October 30 | The Addams Family
Long Center For The Performing Arts | 6:00 p.m.

Enter here for a chance to win a spot for The The Addams Family showing!