With the start of school out for summer, we’re so excited to release our latest issue of Cap-Tivities! Not familiar? Cap-Tivities is our transit-themed activity book, giving you and your kids a way to connect with Austin and CapMetro without a computer or phone screen.
Issue 7 is all about MetroRail and rail safety! This issue introduces our friend Jackie, who’s here to help you learn everything you need to know about being safe when riding a train or encountering tracks. Join the fun for mazes, word games, I Spy and even a collection of our funniest train-themed jokes.

Download Cap-Tivities Issue 7 to get started! Missed an issue? Click here to check out our past Cap-Tivities issues.
Be sure to use #captivities and tag CapMetro on social media to share in the fun!
Facebook = Capital Metro
Twitter = @CapMetroATX
Instagram = @CapMetroATX
Check back next month for a new friend and even more fun activities!