Women’s Equality Day 2021

Capital Metro is proud to celebrate Women’s Equality Day today, and we’re proud to support the women who contribute to the success of our agency, our community and our families each and every day. We take great pride in supporting the women of our agency and establishing strong, representative leadership for young women to look up to in the workplace and in their own lives.

Women’s Equality Day, observed annually on August 26, was established by Congress in 1973 to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. Today, President Biden issued a proclamation calling Women’s Equality Day “a reminder not only of the progress women have won through the years, but of the important work that remains to be done.”

Thank you to the women of Austin and the Central Texas community for what you have done, what you are doing and what you will do.

For almost 50 years, August 26 has been an opportunity to highlight and advance women’s contributions to our communities. And in that spirit, we’re sharing the acceptance speech of our own Jackie Nirenberg from when she was named Woman of the Year by the Heart of Texas chapter of WTS:

